On the contrary, to disjoint syllables into single letters and write from left to write, is a suggestion to change the shape of Hangeul that can be called a revolution. Surprisingly,this suggestion appeared as early as 1914, in ?Mare Sori?(The Sounds of Speech, 말의 소리, 1914) by Chu Shi-Gy?ng. If we read the last page, entitled ‘Review on Writing Hangeul from Left to Right’(우리 글의 가로 쓰는 익힘), we encounter the last sentence: writing from left to right is good to write and print. It is clear evidence that he considered horizontal writing as an ideal of Korean spelling reform. This horizontal writing system was in fact used in (1) a certificate of completion(맞힌 보람) (배달 말 글 몯음 서울온몯음) given in 1913 and (2) a certificate of completion(마친 보람) (서울한글배곧) given in 1915. All three seals stamped on (1), were written by horizontal writing. What is important is the fact (1) was given a year before the publication of ?Mare Sori?(말의 소리).10)

Chu Shi-Gyong’s idea was followed by his disciples, of whom Kim Tu-Bong and Choi Hy?n-Bae were the most enthusiastic. The former presented his personal opinion on writing from left to right titled as ‘good writing’(좋을 글) in an appendix of ?Kipt? Chos?nmalbon?(깁더 조선말본, 1934). This is believed to be the first contrivance of the handwriting style named ‘H?llim K?lssi’(cursive style).11)

According to the preface of ?K?lchae Hy?ngmy?ng?(글자의 혁명, A Revolution of Letters), in the summer of 1922 the latter lectured on his personal opinion about the horizontal writing of Hangeul, and he announced it in the ?Tonga-Ilbo?(Tonga daily newspaper, 東亞日報). A paper by Kim Yun-Gy?ng (1937) introduced Choi's real handwritings with horizontal writing reported in the ?Chos?n-Ilbo?(Chos?n daily newspaper, 朝鮮日報, November 18~19, 1926). Especially, Choi studied horizontal writing in Hamh?ng prison and after the independence of Korea reported the result in the above-mentioned in A Revolution of Letters, and finally published ?Hangeul Karog?lssi Tokpon?(한글 가로글씨 독본, A Textbook for Hangeul Horizontal Writing) in 1963. His belief and tenacity was revealed in the first and last paragraph of the preface of revised edition(고친 박음의 머리에) written at the time of the publication of revised edition.  I, in Hamh?ng prison, achieved the result of a some decade-long research on horizontal writing of Hangeul, and at the cost of my own life I conveyed it to the outer world for the reference of my descendants. And I sincerely hope its practice……

On the New Year of 1954, I publish the second edition of this book with great expectation and inexhaustible passion and I hope that the rapid realization of writing revolution in our nation will make our progress of new culture accelerate.

It seems that the concern for horizontal writing and disjointing syllables was heightened in the earlier part of the twenties and thirties. During this period two personal opinions of Lee Phil-Su and Kim S?k-Kon were presented, and the Linguistic Society of Chos?n, this subject having been brought forth, made its members submit their personal opinions. Its improvised meeting decided to adopt a typeface style which preserved the original shapes of Hangeul as much as possible (please refer to the article of Kim Yun-Gy?ng's(1937)). This decision made possible that the front cover of a coterie magazine, ?Hangeul? saw the horizontal writing from the volume 5-1 published at the outset of the year 1937. Considering the fact that horizontal writing appeared in the index of A Collection of Judged Korean Standard Words (사정한 조선어 표준말 모음), this system had already been somewhat acknowledged before this decision.

Even after the independence of Korea, the writing reform movement of horizontal writing and disjointing syllables once seemed to wield power. It was because they felt that the graphic shapes of Hangeul did not fit mechanical engineering with the spread of typewriters. The article of Choi Hy?n-Bae's(1947) thought it the most important. However, horizontal writing and disjointing syllables failed to get wide support from academic circles and social groups. The chief basis for horizontal writing and disjointing syllables was that joining syllable units caused heavy discomfort for mechanical engineering. This discomfort was enormously mitigated with the appearance of the computer, but all the related problems were not solved.12)

The present author believes that as the mechanical engineering goes further, the day when there is no problem at all will certainly come. If we changed the graphic shapes of our letters for mechanical reasons, it would be or foolish or having an operation on your feet to make your shoes fit better. (Lee Ki-Moon , 1968).

10) A certificate of completion(익힘(에)주(는)글) given by Institute of Korean(죠선어강습원) in 1912 was written vertically and a stamped seal ‘周時經’. Judging from this, we can imagine that they started to use horizontal writing in a certificate of completion. A photograph of (1) is seen in Hyon-Bae Choi(1970), and a photograph of (2) in ?Shinsaeng?(新生, 2.2, 1929). They are also seen in the front part of Ki-Moon Lee(1976).

11) This book is supposed to have been published in 1922. The author suggested a stenography type named ‘날젹’.

12) Even in recent times a computer specialist insisted on writing horizontally and disjointing syllables. Please refer to Park Yang-Chun (1994).
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