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How to use Basic Korean Dictionary and Korean-Foreign Language Learners' Dictionary?

작성자 국립국어원 등록일 2017. 3. 2. 조회수 4140

■ Title: How to use Basic Korean Dictionary and Korean-Foreign Language Learners' Dictionary?

■ Time: 6:03


What is Basic Korean Dictionary?


It is an online dictionary for Korean language learners with 50,000 vocabulary words that are essential for learning Korean. The dictionary provides easy definitions, usage examples, grammar·expression commonly used in daily life for those beginning to learn Korean.


It also serves as an extensive reference for educational information on linguistic culture of Korea by offering links of multi-media information (including illustrations, photos, videos, pronunciations) and the semantic relations of a certain vocabulary.


How to use Basic Korean Dictionary?


How can I look up words?

For example, let's search the word '어머니(mother)'. Type the word '어머니(mother)' in the search box and click '찾기(search)' button. You can see detailed information by clicking the head word you are looking for.


Learners could understand well with definitions made within the dictionary. Examples that are used in daily life in diverse forms of phrase, sentence types, and conversation has been color-coded. Antonyms, honorific words, humble words and reference words can also be shown in the search results.


You can search the word without a need to arrange phrase, grammar, expression or word spacing. Search results can be viewed according to dictionary arrange order as well as in popular search order


How can I use Advanced Search?

Click '자세히 찾기(Advanced Search)' button next to the search box. You can search vocabulary in four different search methods; Search by words, search by phoneme, search by theme and situation category, search by meaning category.


How to download Dictionary Data, Basic Korean Dictionary?


You can download dictionary data by creating an account and log in after making an account.


On the search results window, click '내려받기(Download)' button. In the ‘사전 내려받기(Download Dictionary Data)’ window, click ‘내려받기(Download)’ button after selecting the file type and data categories that you want to download. Then you will be able to download your list of search results at '내 정보 관리(My Information)' section.




What is Korean-Foreign Language Learners' Dictionary?


It is the translation of the Basic Korean Dictionary into 11 languages whose speakers have the greatest need to learn Korean. (Dual language dictionary) Dictionary is designed to translate the headwords and definitions, which considers their languages and culture foreigners learn Korean.


Each dictionaries can be entered through the homepage of Basic Korean Dictionary website or through the web browser address as specified per dictionary.


How to use Korean-Foreign Language Learners' Dictionary?


How can I look up words?

Type the word that you would like to look up in the search box in Korean or in learner's own language and click ‘search’. Then you will see the search results.


You can use on screen keyboard to type the learner's language. Dictionary in each language contains on screen keyboard with own language, therefore user do not need to install new language. It is convenient for every user.


For example, if you search '연꽃(a lotus flower)' in Korean-Vietnamese Learners' dictionary, headword and definition will be shown both in Korean and in Vietnamese on the screen, and features of the dictionary will be shown in Vietnamese language.


How can I use Advanced Search?

Click ‘Advanced Search’ next to the search box. You can search relevant contents with options such as 'Advanced Search', 'Search by theme and situation category', 'Search by meaning'. You can also search by setting up 'a part of speech', 'vocabulary by Level' and 'Number of syllables', and can search in Korean as well as in learner's own language.


You can customise your own viewing methods to adjust contents of the dictionary.


You can confirm further information by clicking 'View All' button. Original language, Korean vocabulary by Level, pronunciation, a part of speech, definition, usage examples, phrase, sentence, conversation, idioms, proverbs and multimedia informations are included in the search results.


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